Viagra Information
Viagra uses,side effects, history, warning etc.
Viagra or sildenafil citrate was discovered by pfizer in 1989 as treatment of hypertension and angina. During clinical trials ,while it had little effect on Angina, it was able to induce penile erections and hence came to alternate use of this medicine for erectile dysfunctions as it is used now.

Type of Viagra Tablets
Viagra 25mg
This dosage has lowest side effects is for people who are experiencing Erectile Dysfunction early stages.
Viagra 50mg
This dosage is what doctors typically start the patients with for ED issue. Only if needed they are moved to 100mg
Viagra 100mg
The effects of taking 100 mg of Viagra can last for upto 4 hours after taking the dose. This is max dosage limit in 24 hours.
Top Side Effects of Viagra
About 28% of people report experiencing headaches after taking a viagra dose.
About 20% people have reported skin flushing after taking Viagra.
Stomach Upset
Viagra can smooth muscle along gastrointestinal tract, causing an upset stomach.
History of Viagra

Viagra or sildenafil citrate was discovered by pfizer in 1989 as treatment of hypertension and angina. During clinical trials ,while it had little effect on Angina, it was able to induce penile erections and hence came to alternate use of this medicine for erectile dysfunctions as it is used now.
Viagra Origin
Discovered in 1989
Origin Company
Pfizer’s kent research facility in England
Dosage for Viagra
Viagra is available in 25mg , 50mg & 100mg Dosage
Viagra Brands in India
Sildenafil citrate or viagra as you call it is available from many generic manufacturers in India.
We’ve listed here some of the most reputed brands for your reference which are alternative to viagra.

By Sun Pharma

By Zydus Cadila

By Cipla
Top Questions
About Viagra
What is Black Horse Viagra
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How much Viagra can I take ?
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Which are common Viagra Side Effects
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Viagra Alternatives